¿Qué Pasa?

Así lucen los cuerpos de las mujeres fitness cuando no están posando para la cámara

Debemos aprender a tener amor propio, y querer la naturalidad de nuestro cuerpo incluso si no nos gusta.

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La mayoría de personas tenemos la costumbre de preocuparnos por como lucimos. Empezamos a hacer dietas, ejercicios y tener un estilo de vida “fitness”, para mejorar nuestro aspecto y así cumplir con los estándares de belleza actuales.

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Pero en ocasiones esto no es suficiente. Al mirarnos al espejo encontramos uno que otro gordito de más que por más ejercicio que hagamos no desaparece. Y la situación parece empeorar cuando entramos a Instagram y nos comparamos con los modelos de este estilo de vida. Gente que parece sacada de un catálogo de revista o un comercial para deportistas.

gym lifting weights work out weight lifting

Pero nada está perdido. Ellos también tienen uno que otro defecto al igual que cualquier mortal.

At my photoshoot last week I had a HUGE lightbulb moment. We had our hair and makeup professionally done, and I had a magician behind the camera that knew how to shoot to make me look my best. But when we were shooting my fitness look I was doing all the things I had trained myself to do so that I could look my best, which up until now my meant my thinnest. . So I sucked my stomach in, I placed my feet apart so my thighs didn't touch, I stood on my toes so my legs looked longer, and I placed my hands on my hips so my arms had the most definition. And guess what happened... I didn't like any of the pictures. It felt like I was trying to be something that I'm not. . . But, I caught myself. I realized how DUMB it was that I was trying so hard to look the way society says I should if I want to be beautiful. I realized how stupid it was to try and live up to some effed up beauty standard that says I look better when I am smaller. And I realized that I still have work to do to unlearn all these lies of what I've been taught to believe makes me worthy. . . So I did what any #SelfLoveSoldier would do- I took my shirt off, sat down, unposed, smiled big, and held up a heart because in that pose, I was just ME. I didn't have to pretend to be perfect, I didn't have to twist my body to make it look thinner, I didn't have to be a size 2... I just got to be ME. . Me with the squish, me with the cellulite, me with the acne scars, me with the curves that I'd wished away for my entire life. . . But I also go to be me with the joy who finds every.single.reason to celebrate with champagne, me with the fierce loyalty I bring to every significant relationship in my life, me with the heart so big that I FEEL my loved ones pains equally as deep as my own, me with the love for dogs that legit requires me to talk in a baby voice to every one I see, me with the crude sense of humor, me with the potty mouth, me with the colorful spirit {and hair}, me with the loud and unapologetic laughter, me me me. Exactly as I am. No posing, no pretending... ME. . Continued in comments

Una foto publicada por Ashlie Molstad ashlie.molstad (@foodiegirlfitness) el

Un grupo de modelos fitness decidió mostrar su lado imperfecto a través de sus populares cuentas en Instagram, así lo recoge El Espectador.

El reto consistía en subir una foto sin posar como normalmente lo hacen y así mostrar sus ángulos malos e imperfecciones.

Las publicaciones se volvieron rápidamente sensación en Internet, pues sus seguidores están orgullosos de que por un momento muestren como son en realidad.